ClassDescriptiontestores an ix file out of an iix filebacks up an edbchange the data type of one property in a raw fileAn implementation of this interface checks whether an error exists.This class checks whether an error exists.This class checks whether an error exists.An implementation of this interface checks whether an error exists.This class checks whether an error exists.This class checks whether an error exists.exports member|2 und value|3 and imports them again.translates csv files to raw files header file looks as following <property name>:<range of property> Ranges can be String,Number,Boolean If Range is specified as None, the property is skipped fields which are key fields are marked with a * Range can be skipped if range is a stringtranslates csv files to raw files header file looks as following <property name>:<range of property> Ranges can be String,Number,Boolean If Range is specified as None, the property is skipped fields which are key fields are marked with a * Range can be skipped if range is a stringexports specified predicates of edbexports specified predicates of edbFOIL rule inductionsloads files (facts or rules) into edb and idbcreates an index on an argument position of a certain predicate in edba small command line interpreter loads files during launc.Problem minimizer systematically reduces the set of facts in order to find a minimal
set of facts which still shows the problem
.loads files (facts or rules) into edb and idba small command line interpreter loads files during launch.creates an index on an argument position of a certain predicate in edbProblem minimizer systematically reduces the set of facts in order to find a minimal
set of facts which still shows the problem
.registers a query for cep for iderunner for dsl ide for a queryrepairs an extensional database by
1. deleting corrupt indices
2. restoring damaged predicates from a backup and
3. replaying log files into symbol table and into predicate files.exports specified predicates of edbrestores a backuptestores an ix file out of an iix fileexports specified predicates of edbprint out a relationstress test: 2 threads adding data, 2 threads deleting data, 4 threads querying
You can play a bit with partitioning