Interface ReadWriteUpdateLock

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public interface ReadWriteUpdateLock extends ReadWriteLock
Extends the JDK ReadWriteLock, providing an update lock in addition to the read lock and the write lock. The update lock supports read-only operations and can coexist with multiple read locks held simultaneously by other reader threads. However it may also be upgraded from its read-only status to a write lock, and it may be downgraded again back to a read lock. See implementation ReentrantReadWriteUpdateLock for more details.
Niall Gallagher
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a lock which allows reading and which may also be upgraded to a lock allowing writing.

    Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock

    readLock, writeLock
  • Method Details

    • updateLock

      Lock updateLock()
      Returns a lock which allows reading and which may also be upgraded to a lock allowing writing.
      a lock which allows reading and which may also be upgraded to a lock allowing writing.